'Half the Sky' aims to end sex trafficking

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In the U.S., we have our problems. We celebrate Women’s History Month in March. But you only need peruse the magazine racks at any supermarket checkout to find women treated as sex objects. According to a 2010 census report, women earn 78.2 percent of what men do –– $35,549 a year for the average woman, compared to $45,485 for the average man. Yes, the American women’s movement has a long way to go.

But the U.S. is a millennium ahead of much of the developing world when it comes to women’s rights, and in that regard, we are fortunate. It also obligates us to lend a hand where and when we can. For more, check out halftheskymovement.org.

Scott Brinton is senior editor of the Bellmore and Merrick Heralds and an adjunct professor at the Hofstra University Graduate Journalism Program. Comments? SBrinton@liherald.com or (516) 569-4000 ext. 203. Brinton’s profile and posts can be found at facebook.com/scottabrinton.

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