Parking mall project at a standstill

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In a letter to Ford this May, LaCarrubba wrote, “The city will not put this out to bid until we are reassured that the funding for reimbursement is in place.”

“There is information that is required from the city in order for us to reimburse them,” Ford said. “The project is extremely important — people are constantly crossing where the Associated used to be, and it’s something I’m trying to get expedited. We’re trying to come to some understanding.”

On Tuesday, Ford said that she met with the county’s department of public works to discuss Schnirman’s letter, adding that it is “compiling” the information it has received.

Ford added that she believes the project would have been given the green light by the county earlier had it not been for Hurricane Sandy. She said she expects a quick resolution, possibly this week, and she does not believe the Nassau Interim Finance Authority will hold up the project.

“The money has always been allocated, but in our experience, with a lot of the smaller jobs, they’ve been OKing them,” Ford said.

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