After Hurricane Sandy, MECA pool club envisions summer reopening

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In addition to seeking payment from its insurance company, MECA has applied for a U.S. Small Business Administration loan and also made legal claims against the owners of the two boats and the marina where the boats were docked for allegedly failing to secure them properly before the storm, according to Lowe.

“I’m confident that we’ll be able to secure some funding as a result of each of the claims, and that in the aggregate, we should have enough money to open this summer,” Lowe said.

Laganas also expressed confidence that MECA Pool will bounce back. “When MECA is completed, it’s going to be better than ever,” Laganas said. “When we reopen, I think it’s going to be that more exciting that we did it. We’ll have that feeling of ‘we did it.’ MECA is something special. This is a place where some people have been going for 40 or 50 years. I went there as a child, and now my kids are going there.”

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