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As a Project Hope team member, I cannot share enough just how much I have learned about people, including myself, since the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. How from such a historic disaster, came forth, the historic outpouring of the human spirit. Spirit that comes from deep within the hearts of so many incredible people who take it upon themselves to volunteer their time in helping to rebuild the homes and lives of others; homes and lives that were left devastated beyond words. How even now, almost 4 months later, I still find myself in moments where it all still feels so strangely surreal to me. Moments, when I am left feeling so completely humbled in seeing just how life can literally change over night as a result of a natural (or unnatural) disaster. How one devastating event can bring us to our knees, but yet, despite it all, how the human heart and spirit within us, can push us to rise above the pain and the rumble, so we can work towards the recovery and the rebuilding of a new life. Yes, living through the aftermath of Sandy will now be a part of all our lives, as well as a part of history. But more importantly, so will be the "bruised but not broken" sentiment that is being echoed throughout our communities. For it has been through the aftermath of Sandy, that we have witnessed the endless gifts of unselfish giving; gifts that have become a beautiful testimony of humanity, a testament that I know has softened my heart beyond words. That, I, for one, now truly understand what it really means to give ... and how "in giving, we also receive". So here's to all those who help in bringing HOPE to Long Beach ... our new, "Strong Beach". May she come back as resilient as all the incredible spirits of those who are helping to rebuild her and the lives of one another! ~ Donna Pisacano Brown

From: Bringing hope to L.B.

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