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The west end bungalow community's revenue ideas are idiotic. Long Beach doesn't need parking meters. Tell the City to stop wasteful spending such as putting political hacks kids on the city payroll, or wasting money at the MLK Center to appease the blacks living over there, or close down the library annexes, or end wasteful union overtime, or reduce the amount of city councilmen positions since we don't have council districts. The west end gets awy with paying less taxes anyway. A family with a west end hous is paying fa less property taxes than other parts of Long Beach yet west enders can send the same or een more kids to the public school for far less tax payments. Stop complaining about west end parking- you choose to live in a winterized summer bungalow without adequate space so deal with the parking. Get rid of your car or move to a bigger house. Its not the city's fault. Tell the city to stop spending on stupid wasteful things to reduce your taxes.

From: Long Beach City Council approves fee increases

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