Calhoun alumni create theater group

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“I think that they are strict views on either side,” Chris said. “What love really is is both; it has the beautiful, euphoric elements, and it also has the tragic, horrible elements. I really want to capture everything, and I really want the audience to understand what the parents and children are going through.”

Michalakis said that for the past several weeks, he and the Mackins have been preparing for the shows from morning until 11 p.m. All costumes, sets and production expenses are paid for out of pocket, but the trio sees it as a personal investment. Chris noted that as they graduate from college and look for jobs in the entertainment industry, they hope to have more time, money and resources to produce more plays and keep What You Will alive.

Tickets for Friday’s and Saturday’s performances of “Romeo and Juliet” are $15 for adults and $10 for students. The theater is at 222 Pettit Ave. Fore more details about the event, click here

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