
Mepham students hit the catwalk for a cause


Wellington C. Mepham High School students made the auditorium stage their runway last week for a fashion show fundraiser.

School officials said the event, which was held for the second time in Mepham history on Nov. 29, was a fundraiser for the school’s junior class. Diana Nigro, a science teacher who advises the 11th-graders, helped organized the show.

The school’s kickline team took the stage for a performance, as well as the student and faculty models taking part in the show. Each model was decked out in formal wear, including dresses donated by Estelle’s. The gowns were auctioned off to audience members at the end of the show.

Outside of the auditorium, students also sold flowers, candy and gift baskets.

Principal Michael Harrington said the fashion show was an enjoyable evening for all in attendance. “It was a fun, spirited night,” he said. “Both the faculty and staff looked wonderful.