It’s time to speak up


To the Editor,

In this current political climate, I have felt helpless and somewhat hopeless. The divisiveness in our country is even making me emotionally unhealthy! Not being political, I was feeling stagnated on how exactly to do my part and step up, not just complain and belabor our current state of affairs. Then came all the attacks on the Environmental Protection Agency, an agency that is here to protect the earth we all live on.

The illogical appointments and actions thereafter have pushed me out the door and onto a path. I have just returned from the Climate Reality Training in Pittsburgh. This is the project former Vice President Al Gore began to address a global solution to the climate crisis.

We have one earth and one environment. All the money in the world will be of no use to anyone if we pollute our earth to the point of no return and we are approaching this precipice. Climate Change is not a political issue! The climate, the atmosphere, the health of our planet affects each and every person the same. Actually, that’s a bit of a lie. I am a registered nurse, specializing in cardiology. The healthcare of our community and its members is something I deal with on a daily basis. It is near and dear to my heart and my purpose. The effects of pollution hurt us all, but our most vulnerable — the young (with developing organs) the elderly and the sick (with compromised immune systems), the poor and our newborns suffer even more. The World Health Organization just announced that air pollution is now the single biggest environmental health risk with approximately 7 million deaths linked to indoor and outdoor air pollution. This is more than double previous estimates.

As many of you may know, the president has proposed a repeal of the Clean Power Plan. I encourage everyone to take some time out of your day and go to the EPA’s website: Public comments are being accepted until Dec. 15. There are various ways to make yourself heard. Choose the one you are most comfortable with, but please make your voice heard. Our atmosphere is not endless. When we pump CO2 (and other noxious gasses) into the atmosphere it stays up there. The average half-life is approximately 31 years! Earth is a closed system. What happens here stays here.

It’s time to respect our limited resources and take the step to protect them for all generations to come.

Terry Glassman

Old Brookville