Lincoln, Lafayette visit Valley Stream


About 40 Valley Streamers listened to the stories of Abraham Lincoln and General Lafayette from members of the Valley Stream Historical Society who were dressed up as the historical figures at the Pagan-Fletcher Restoration on Feb. 18.

“We talked a little bit about our costumes and who we were supposed to be,” Valerie Esposito, a historical society trustee, explained.

At the President’s Day celebration, Esposito was dressed as Madame Lafayette, the wife of the Marquis de Lafayette, who fought in the American Revolution. Guy Ferrara portrayed the general and taught children and their parents about his character’s role in the Revolution, Esposito said.

“Guy was talking about the general’s different aspects and how he came to America,” Esposito said. “And Mr. Lincoln gave a lot of tours.”

Lincoln, portrayed by Dave McKean, showed the children old-fashioned kitchen tools and gave them a tour of the Pagan-Fletcher Restoration, with its exhibit on the Tuskegee Airmen. The children were also able to see dolls of former presidents and a plate from Mount Vernon, where George Washington once lived.

“There was something for everyone,” Esposito said. “It was such a nice day and we were so glad we were able to do it.”