Lawrence early childhood marks 100 days


School days not are the schools of more than a year ago before the coronavirus pandemic upended everyone’s life.

However students at the Lawrence Early Childhood Center at the Number Four School made the most of celebrating the 100th day of the school year on Feb. 24.

All of the kindergarten classes have been counting the days of school since September and the youngsters learned that 100 is the same as 10 sets of 10. The celebration is held annually, and is used by teachers to highlight the multiple mathematical concepts that can be taught using the number 100.

Unique this year because of the mixture of in-person, remote and hybrid learners, the students were provided with the necessary art materials, even if remote.

The kindergarteners, whether hybrid or remote, shared their 100th day of school projects during their Google Meet live session, and students made hats or wore 100-day sunglasses that were provided by teachers.