Elmont honors Martin Luther King. Jr.


Elmont Memorial High School hosted their annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in the school’s lunchroom on Monday. Attendees included Elmont students and staff, Legislator Carrié Solages, Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages, Legislator Seth Koslow, and members of the Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre, Church of the Harvest and the United Jewish Appeal Federation.

Upon arrival, participants were given t-shirts and gathered in one of the school’s lunchrooms for a brief service, which began at noon, that included speeches from Pastor Curtis Thompson, from Church of the Harvest, and Rabbi Michel Schlesinger, from the Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre.

“Be kind, be thoughtful, be caring,” Schlesinger said. “As we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we are reminded of the enduring partnership between the black and Jewish communities a partnership grounded in shared history of struggle and a shared vision of justice and equality.”

Carrié and Michaelle followed Thompson and Schlesinger and expressed their reverence for MLK’s legacy.

“This event is a reminder of our continuing obligation, our freedoms,” Carrié said. “We can’t just take it for granted. We have to work hard for it everyday, and that’s what being a citizen is.”

After the speeches, attendees stood for the American flag as Hazzan Bonnie Zakarin performed the national anthem.

Attendees were then served a lunch of sandwiches as they mingled and played games. Pastor Thompson then instructed participants at each table to create a sculpture that represented the ideals of MLK’s legacy using Jenga blocks. After about 10 minutes, participants shared their work, which exemplified themes of unity and equality.

After cleaning up, attendees were directed to another lunchroom, across from where the first half of the event was held, for community service activities. These activities included making sandwiches, separating snacks into small bags, organizing school supplies into backpacks and arranging boxes of non-perishable foods, all of which were donated to homeless families in need.

According to the school, the event was organized by the Elmont PTSA, the Elmont Key Club, the Men of Elmont program, the United Jewish Appeal Federation, the Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre and Church of the Harvest.