New Year’s Eve fundraiser rocks Sea Cliff


Residents of Sea Cliff got to rock out on Dec. 30 at Still Partners, as part of the Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor’s annual Karaoke for a cause event.

Karaoke for a Cause has been one of the most popular events put on by the Coalition since it began back in 2017. The event invites residents to perform their favorite hits on the night before New Year’s Eve to help ring in the New Year.

Lisa Cashman, the associate director of the Coalition, said she thought the night before New Year’s Eve was the perfect day for the event, allowing everyone to enjoy themselves without some of the typical New Year’s Eve worries.

“When my kids were really young, babysitters were always really hard to find on New Year’s Eve. I invented this party to make the night before New Year’s Eve a thing because it was a lot easier for not just my family but many others in the community,” Cashman said. “The event ended up being a huge hit, many parents and members of the community came out and it was a lot easier and safer for families not having to worry about the roads.”

The event took place at Still Partners, a bar and restaurant in Sea Cliff, with residents being encouraged come out and perform their favorite hits. Cashman said that event was a success with many residents taking the stage and performing when they normally might not have the chance.

“I think people had a blast. It was a nice partnership with a local business and it was good to see people be able to take the stage and perform when they normally might not be able to,” Cashman said. “Partners usually runs a special on Monday nights for their burgers and from my understanding there were a lot more people there than usual, so I will take that as a win.”

The Coalition puts on various informational and interactive events for the public throughout the year, to keep residents informed on ways that they can protect Hempstead Harbor. Cashman said that this event was different from the normal events the coalition usually puts on, and allows residents to support and learn about the Coalition at the same time.

“There are things that we do that are strictly informative and strictly education based, but there are also times that we just have fun and create awareness about our organization,” Cashman said. “It’s is an awareness building opportunity for the coalition while also helping to raise money for the cause.”
Guests were asked to bring $25 to participate in the event, with the option to bring more, with all proceeds going towards the Coalition. ashman noted that the event served as both a fundraising and awareness opportunity, with attendees also learning about upcoming Coalition events planned for 2025.