Mount Sinai South Nassau's Anthony Cancellieri named to Healthcare Trustees of New York State board of governors

The Healthcare Trustees of New York State board of governors named its 2025 officers and the election of two new members, highlighting its commitment to strengthening New York’s healthcare system …

Oceanside High School explores Johnathan Haidt’s "The Anxious Generation" and techs impact on teens

Oceanside High School hosted the first part of its Parent University book talk series on Jan. 7, engaging parents, educators, and community members in a discussion about the challenges of raising …

Oceanside focused on strong finish

Oceanside won’t be taking a conference championship into the most important stretch of the Nassau County wrestling season, but coach Brian Schoenfelder is hoping the Sailors take a few …

Oceanside teens ‘Cards for Mental Health’ doubles its impact

Motivated by the experiences of themselves, their friends and their family, teens created cards at the Oceanside Library on Jan. 6 to send to mental health patients at area hospitals. Cards for …

Long Beach High School named these students as the two who top the senior class

Long Beach High School has announced the top two students in this year’s senior class: Daniel Brenner is the valedictorian, and LiLin Garfinkel is the salutatorian. Brenner, 17, was born …


Will Sheeline: Helping Ukraine fight for justice

While there are certainly plenty of domestic issues, and Americans in need, we cannot forget the people of Ukraine, who are nearing the end of their third year of war with Russia.


Ari Brown: County Exec Blakeman: a shining example of leadership

In Nassau County, there is a palpable sense of hope and optimism on the horizon, and much of that can be credited to the steady, inclusive leadership of County Executive Bruce Blakeman.


Stepping into a new year with hope and resolve

As we step into the new year, we should resolve to move beyond empty platitudes. Instead of vague aspirations for “better days,” let’s strive for tangible progress: a stronger sense of community, a commitment to justice, and a willingness to adapt to changing realities.


Jordan Vallone: We need the Department of Education

For nearly 45 years, U.S. Department of Education has soldiered past many attempts to break it apart, or disband it altogether, most notably by conservative politicians who believe that the federal agency oversteps states’ rights.