Valley Stream South High School held a ribbon-cutting ceremony this fall to celebrate the grand opening of the Falcon’s Nest, a new mindfulness and meditation space located in South’s guidance suite. Designed to help students unwind and recharge during their school day, the Falcon’s Nest allows students to relax amid their busy schedules and provides access to the various mental health and support resources available in the guidance suite.
Although meditation is the central attraction at the Falcon’s Nest, students can also read and listen to music; color; create origami figures; and play with fidget toys, puzzles, and games, all while listening to soothing sounds. Students are also provided guided meditations and offered information on the latest mindfulness strategies and calming techniques.
“We believe it is important to give all students the resources necessary to self-regulate and understand the utility of mediation amid the world’s demands,” said Principal Matthew Swinson. “The Falcon’s Nest teaches these skills early. These tools are available to help navigate feelings throughout the day and give both mind and body a break.”
One of the South community’s primary goals is to support students’ mental well-being. In support of that goal, South’s wellness suite has hosted events and activities such as making glitter jars, visits from a therapy dog, guest speakers, and art projects.