Students from the Class of 2028 took their first steps as they began the final step of their educational journey in Wantagh with freshmen orientation on Aug. 23.
The incoming ninth graders explored a school that will be their second home for the next four years. The morning and afternoon orientation sessions each included five stations. Students heard from Principal Paul Guzzone and Assistant Principals Nick Pappas and Christopher Widmann about the expectations and support systems in high school. They also met their guidance counselors, learned from scholar-athletes how to get involved in student life, received tours of the building from seniors and participated in a Wantagh trivia session with Director of Guidance Frank Muzio.
In between the two sessions, all ninth graders were invited for a pizza lunch, club fair, and to tour the building on their own to find their classes and lockers.
Guzzone emphasized that high school is a partnership between the students and the staff. Everyone will have a different path over the next four years, he explained, and the administrators, teachers and support staff aim to help each student make the most of his or her high school experience.
“We want our new ninth graders to feel excited about coming to the high school,” Guzzone said. “Our goal is for them to succeed academically and feel connected socially. We want them to have the best four years possible.”