Back after Sandy and better than ever!

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The UPS Store is useful to both businesses and individuals. The mailboxes are ideal for snowbirds. Since each comes with a legal street address (as opposed to a P.O. Box number) packages can be delivered by any carrier. UPS offers a pick-up service, which is a wonderful convenience for the elderly or anyone who would rather not lug a package to the store. The updated copy center offers printing, binding and laminating. And, when it comes to packing and moving, The UPS Store can provide professional strength boxes and kits, tape, bubble wrap, packaging peanuts. Custom-made boxes are available for irregularly shaped items. Their newest service is rental of computer time.

“Shipping from The UPS Store is not just for getting a sweater to Grandma,” Bartlett said. Air and ground freight services, and international shipping, are offered as well. Items of virtually any size can be shipped and even crated.

The store is now enjoying its recovery. “Business is better than ever, thanks to the ongoing support from the Long Beach community,” said Bartlett. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday.

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