State Government

Assemblyman McDonough named to transportation committee


New York State Assemblyman David McDonough, a Republican from North Merrick, was recently named to the state Transportation Budget Committee.

"As the ranking member on the Assembly Transportation Committee, I have been named to the Transportation Budget Committee," McDonough said. "This committee, comprised of Republicans and Democrats from both the Senate and the Assembly, is the determining factor in how transportation and infrastructure projects are funded throughout the state, and I am glad to have a voice on this panel on behalf of my constituents, Nassau County and all of Long Island."

He continued, "This year's budget will undoubtedly be one of the toughest and most contentious budgets in recent memory. This budget committee, in addition to the nine other committees, is essential to controlling and prioritizing spending. Last year, the Senate and Assembly majorities did not call these committees, and the budget and budgeting process proved to be disastrous...It is my hope that this year will be open, collegial and bipartisan."