
Kennedy juniors ‘tutoring for a cure’


Three Kennedy High School juniors have teamed up to start a tutoring organization not only to help educate their peers, but also to donate to a cause that’s close to their hearts.

Ross Iscowitz, Samantha Finkel and Jordan Horowitz began a tutoring service, “Tutors for a Cure,” in January. The students, who are all in Advanced Placement classes, initially got the idea for the group at the end of last year. “We wanted a way to combine all of our interests together,” said Finkel, 17, of Merrick. “We all have interest in business, science and computers. The result was a tutoring service that’s a little cheaper than most.”

The group charges $25 per hour for their services, and 20 percent of the proceeds are donated to the American Cancer Society. “We thought, ‘Why don’t we donate some of our profit to a good cause while helping raise the grades of our peers?’” said Iscowitz, 16, of Merrick.

They chose the American Cancer Society because cancer is a disease that has affected all of them. Iscowitz’s grandmother is a breast cancer survivor, Horowitz’s uncle died of leukemia three years ago, and Finkel’s mother is a breast cancer survivor. “It always stays close to the heart,” said Finkel, “so it’s good to help out because we know how it feels.”

Since January, the group has raised $500 and said they would meet with the American Cancer Society in the near future to present the check in person. “It’s a good feeling to help kids and know that your money is not just going in your pocket,” said Iscowitz, “but it’s going to help people who need the money to survive.”

To spread the word about their tutoring service, the three students created a website,, handed out fliers, started a Facebook group and have relied on general word-of-mouth recommendations. They are currently tutoring 25 students, with a clientele that ranges from third-graders to high school seniors.

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