Kind cards spread cheer in North Bellmore


The season of giving has begun and second graders at Martin Avenue Elementary School in the North Bellmore School District have embraced it. The students recently made holiday cards for residents of nursing homes in the hope of spreading joy.

Students from Mary Carrea’s, Antonietta Fischetti’s and Tiffany Joosten’s classes came together in the cafeteria on Dec. 1 where they drew, folded, glittered and glued. The youngsters were assisted by parent volunteers.

Fischetti said that this is the second year the students have taken part in the service project. She added that it connects to the second grade’s “act of giving” reading unit. The school provided all of the supplies such as construction paper, crayons and stickers, while students brought their creativity and imaginations.

“The main goal is for them to realize the importance of giving to others,” Fischetti said, “not just during the holiday, but always.”