Lakeside Elementary students aid the less fortunate

School holds annual Sandwich-a-thon


The Cub’s Cave at Levy-Lakeside Elementary School in Merrick recently buzzed with sixth-graders assembling sandwiches for their annual Sandwich-a-thon. The students then donated the food to help those in need around Long Island last month.

This year students reached their goal by making more than 2,000 sandwiches in about an hour. They also packaged baked goods, bagging more than 600 goodies. The food was sent to the River Fund in Elmont.

“The entire grade did it,” said sixth-grader Jett Rosen, “but my personal reason is that I thought we should give back to our community because we are so fortunate to have what we have, and at the very least we can make a difference by making sandwiches for those who are less fortunate.”

Jett and his twin sister, Nicole, have collected healthy snacks on their own and packaged them in personalized paper bags to hand out to the homeless in New York City. “I thought that it was a great charity event and that it was a good idea because it gives kids a chance to do a really great and selfless thing,” Jett said.