Cornering the Market

A synagogue that understands


Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre

295 Main Street, East Rockaway

Religious School Director: David Woolfe

Religious School Office: (516) 599-0424

What sets Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre (HERJC) apart from others is their deep understanding of today’s Jewish family. Things are changing. Schedules are more hectic. Parents juggle work with their children’s activities. More than ever, Jewish families come in all shapes, sizes and colors, which can include single parents, adopted children, blended families, gay parents, non-Jewish relatives and “Jews by Choice.” Proud to be traditionally Conservative, HERJC is equally proud to be egalitarian and accepting.

Equality and respect runs deep through every part of the HERJC congregation, from the Religious School to the sanctuary. Women and men participate equally. Women and men are called to read from the Torah; girls are called up on the Saturday morning of their bat mitzvah, just as boys are called up for their bar mitzvahs.

HERJC’s mission is to engage and educate members and families through enjoyable activities, thereby strengthening the Jewish community in our modern world. Part of the HERJC program brings parents into the building to participate in creating art projects with Jewish meaning, which can then be displayed and used for many years. In conjunction with Owl Galleries, exquisite Seder plates and Kiddush cups are created. Older students make a Shofar to be blown on High Holidays. And their grand finale is a project overseen by Dr. Neil Meixler and his “Yad Squad.” Using wax molds, students and parents create sterling silver Yads (hand-shaped pointers used for reading from the Torah), which the bar or bat mitzvah child uses on his or her special day.

“Torah Kids” is a program developed for the youngest congregants, so they can participate in Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) while their parents are in the sanctuary. To honor Passover, the “Haggadah Hop” reimages the model Seder as an interactive and energetic experience. “Family Fridays” include warm, engaging Friday night services geared for families with school-aged children. Rabbi Andrew Warmflash will tell interesting, age-appropriate stories, while Cantor David B. Sislen incorporates new and exciting melodies to match. Religious School students often participate in services too.

Right now, Hewlett East Rockaway Jewish Centre is busy registering students for their award-winning Religious School and Nursery School programs. For a complete introduction, and information about flexible payment plans and synagogue membership and school tuition, contact Religious School Director, David Woolfe at (516) 599-0424. HERJC is a member of United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism.