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Actor Eric Roberts stops by Bellmore to film 'Jesse'


Bellmore got a taste of Hollywood glamour recently when scenes of the independent movie "Jesse" were filmed at KJ Farrell's Bar and Grill on Pettit Avenue.

The film follows Jesse (played by actress Stephanie Finochio), a Nassau County detective who gets wrapped up in the investigation of her brother’s murder. After accidentally walking into a robbery/hostage situation at a local convenience story, Jesse seeks solace at the local bar — KJ Farrell’s.

At KJ Farrell’s, Jesse meets the bartender, Chris, played by actor Eric Roberts, the brother of Julia Roberts who has played in notable films like "The Pope of Greenwich Village" and this year's "The Expendables." The two characters develop a romantic relationship throughout the film.

Fred Carpenter, who directs “Jesse,” is a graduate of SUNY Stony Brook. He worked for United Artists and Paramount Pictures before turning to independent filmmaking. Carpenter submitted the film “Jesse” to the SoHo International Film Festival as well as the Long Island International Film Expo.

In an interview, carpenter said he expects the film to be well received. "There's a lot of romance and a great story line," he said.

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