Best wishes for a happy New Year

Notes from local Rabbis


As we approach New Year 5773, we once again have the precious opportunity afforded by our tradition to reflect on the year that has past. Did we nurture our relationships with family and friends? Did we honor the wisdom of our souls in helping us determine the right path? Did we do what we could to take care of the broken world around us? Let us all celebrate this holy season by hearing the Shofar’s blast and its reminder to turn, return and renew our lives. If we but notice the “still, small voice” within us, we will know how best to begin the new year. I wish you all a good, sweet, and meaningful New Year! 

Rabbi Marci N. Bellows
Temple B’nai Torah

Temple Emanu-El of East Meadow wishes you blessings of sweetness, heath, happiness and peace in the new year.  Shanah Tovah u’Metukah from our family to yours!

Rabbi Daniel Bar-Nahum
Temple Emanu-El of East Meadow

As the leaves turn, we celebrate the Jewish New Year 5773. During this year, I pray that we all remember the unity of God. Whatever your faith, we know that there is one God who cares for us all. Let us dedicate our efforts this year and subsequent ones to reflect that unity in our relations with one another. Just as there is one God, humanity is one. More unites us than divides us.

While we may, particularly in this election year, feel divisions along political lines, we must keep foremost in our minds that we should seek the path of justice and peace. As long as we can see the face of the other, the widow, the orphan and the stranger, and act on their behalf, we will be doing God’s will and we shall remain one human family. I wish you all a year of peace and prosperity, health and happiness. May you have a sweet New Year.

Rabbi Judy Cohen-Rosenberg
Community Reform Temple