Couples renew their commitment for one another

Twosomes say I do, again


Eight couples in the community celebrated their 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries with a vow renewal ceremony at St. Brigid’s Parish in Westbury on Feb. 12.

Father Ralph Sommer led the mass and reminded the couples that their devotion to one another is rare. “When you had the little downs that happened, or in some cases big downs, you were able to be touched by God’s healing and forgiveness and love to get beyond what might have stopped other couples from continuing their marriage,” he said. “Let’s face it, in this world, you are someone of a rarity.”

During the ceremony the couples were called to the front of the church where they held hands with their loves ones, looked into each others eyes and recited the vows they took many years ago. Sommer also presented a certificate and either a silver or gold cross to each couple.

The partners were also asked to share advice for a long, happy marriage. “Just keep working at it,” said Linda Marasca. “Be patient with each other,” added Ann Holland. “Marry your best friend and laugh a lot,” shared Rosa Maria Principata. Keep having fun, compromise, always communicate and take time for one another were also named as the key ingredients for love.

“You’re marriage wasn’t just about you,” reminded Sommer. “It spreads out to your family, your friends, to the next generation. This love that you have, it’s alive.”