East Meadow artist displays work at nearby library

Illustrations up at Syosset Public Library


Katherine Trunk, of East Meadow, is a professional artist whose work will be on exhibit at the Syosset Public Library throughout February. The illustrations on display feature artwork that was made to accompany articles, poetry or other literary works.

Trunk has produced illustrations that have appeared in “National Review,” the “New York Sun” and the “American Press,” as well as in numerous exhibits throughout Long Island.

The East Meadow High School graduate said she was always creative, a skill that was embraced by her parents. Artistic ability also runs in her family. Trunk said that her late granduncle, Herman Trunk Jr., was a pioneer in American Modern Art. He is listed in the Smithsonian Archives’ of American Art.

The art exhibit will be on display at Syosset Public Library, 225 Oyster Bay Road, Syosset, during library hours until Feb. 27. For more information, call the library at (516) 921-7161.