
EMHS Class of 2011 rejoices


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The John Barbour Memorial Field stadium was filled with proud families and friends of the 418 East Meadow High School graduating seniors on Sunday.

With speeches given by Superintendent Louis DeAngelo, Class President Jimmy Egan, Valedictorian Neha Sahni, Salutatorian Dominika Swieboda and Principal Richard Howard, everyone experienced feelings of reflection and anticipation.

Beginning the ceremony was a performance of the national anthem by the Senior Chorale and a group of American Sign Language students.

Each of the student speakers shared a similar attitude in their addresses proclaiming to their fellow classmates that while graduating is exciting, the staff, faculty and friends they’ve had at EMHS will never be forgotten.

In both the superintendent’s and the principal’s speeches, the students were given advice for the future, such as to always remain a caring person, marry your best friend and find a career that you love.

When all of the speeches were delivered and every student received his or her diploma, mortarboards were flying into the air in celebration.