Kiwanians flip pancakes for fundraisers

Community news


Residents packed into the East Meadow High School cafeteria to attend the East Meadow Kiwanis All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast last Sunday.

Kiwanians raised money in a delicious way for the club’s scholarship funds at East Meadow and W.T. Clarke high schools, and other ongoing projects that help unprivileged children.

For a small fee, families consumed unlimited amounts of pancakes, eggs and sausages. Children also enjoyed free face painting, while parents excitedly hoped to win door or raffle prizes. Free blood pressure screenings were also administered by Dr. Alan Alterman and Dr. Steve Perrick.

The event went off without a hitch thanks to program co-chairs Gary Fromowitz, Jim Mancuso and Barry Rubenstein, as well as cooks David Diamond, Dan Feldman, Mary Mannino and Paul Stargot.