Cornering the Market

Opening doors to learning and growth in East Rockaway


Hewlett–East Rockaway Jewish Centre Nursery School
295 Main Street
East Rockaway
(516) 599-1169

When Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre (HERJC) started its nursery school in 1969, there were only two classes. Since then it has increased in size, extended hours, and the amount of programs that are offered. Having added programs such as art, music, Jewish Enrichment and Mommy and Me, the nursery school has grown to nearly 200 children, ranging in ages from 10 months to 5 years.

The HERJC pre-school provides a cheerful, healthy and nurturing environment where youngsters can grow and develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, cognitively and physically. Their child-directed program uses play as the medium for learning. Children are taught to share, empathize, investigate, tolerate, and to become a part of a community. Classrooms are well equipped. By integrating both secular and Judaic aspects of life into their curriculum, children learn to be familiar and comfortable with their own practices.

HERJC nursery school is run by competent, highly experienced professionals. “Running the show” is its director, Cheryl Karp, a former New York City teacher who boasts 17 years in education. Also taking part in the school are Rabbi Andrew Warmflash, Cantor David B. Sislen, Ritual Director Nachum Plotkin, and the president of the temple, Dan Gerstman.

“We are thrilled to be offering some wonderful new programs,” said Karp. “In the Parent Center, for example, parents can meet in a room with their young children to learn parenting skills. This is also a way to get to know other parents. We are now offering Mommy & Me Yoga classes. Stroller Strides is an exercise program for moms and their infants.

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