Herald Neighbors

PTA Council installs its new officers


In preparation for the new school year, and to celebrate the dedication of volunteers of the past academic years, the East Meadow Parent Teacher Association Council hosted their officer installation dinner last month.

The event was held in June at Verdi’s Restaurant in Westbury. Donna LaScala, the group’s president, will take on the top leadership position again.

LaScala addressed the crowd of local parents and other community members, explaining that she was grateful to them for supporting EMPTA and for being child advocates.

Officers for the Bowling Green, Barnum Woods, McVey, Meadowbrook and Parkway elementary schools were all formally installed to their school’s respective PTA boards during a candlelit ceremony. The Woodland Middle School, East Meadow High School and W.T. Clarke middle and high school leaders were also named and congratulated during the service.