
Lynbrook VFW paves the way

Walkway to honor loved ones, raise funds


Members of the Howard Lathrop Post 2307 VFW in Lynbrook have seen a lot of progress on the reconstruction of their “second home” after a fire in December 2011 devastated the post, leaving most of their prized possessions charred and ruined.

Now, more than six months after the blaze, work is underway to repair and rebuild the post, and according to Pat Cardone, former Lynbrook VFW commander, the building could be open again by mid-August.

While construction is taking place on the interior of the building, Cardone, new Commander Kevin Canty and other VFW members have announced plans to create a Walk of Honor on the property’s sidewalk. The Walk of Honor will be covered in personalized pavers that people can dedicate to a veteran in their life or to honor the troops as a whole.

Cardone said they are hoping to sell 300 pavers in order to offset the cost of the project, but if additional pavers are sold they would extend the Walk of Honor area. Currently, the walkway is planned to stretch from the end of the Vincent Avenue side of the building to the flagpole on the corner of Merrick Road. He added that they decided to place the Walk of Honor on Vincent Avenue because it is less trafficked when compared to Merrick Road.

“What we wanted to,” Cardone said, “which also helps beautify the village, is to make the outside of our establishment as attractive as our inside is going to be.” VFW officials also wanted to get all of the construction done at one time, which is why they decided to undertake the Walk of Honor project this year.

Cardone said he got the idea for the walkway from Lynbrook’s 9/11 Memorial Park and is excited to see it fully completed later this year. He estimated that an order for the pavers would be sent out in late August or early September, but added that the order would go out as soon as 300 pavers are purchased. Cardone noted that the price of concrete has skyrocketed recently, which makes the project costly.

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