New rabbi joins Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre


As interim Rabbi Paul Resnick joined the Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre, he said he had many goals for the future.

“I think I can help turn people to have a deeper understanding of the Jewish religion to make this a better world,” he said. “I’m very excited to move forward in this new position and I’m feeling a lot of positive vibes as I get to know the community more and more.” 

Resnick replaced the previous retiring Rabbi Andrew Warmflash on Nov. 1, and said he never imagined himself in his position, which he will remain in until June 1.

“I never had my eye on this position, but I look forward to engaging with new people, hearing about people’s connection to the synagogue and being there to support the congregation,” he said. “I look forward to not only engaging in Jewish engagement studies and turning people onto the faith, but I also am looking forward to engaging with institutions of different faiths.” 

Resnick has 30 years of experience serving as a director at Camp Ramah in New Jersey, and he worked for one year as Interim rabbi at B’nai Israel in Milburn, N.J. He said he enjoys working as a rabbi because he loves being exposed to new things and it also enables him to engage in new fulfilling experiences.

As an observant Jew, Resnick said, he prays every day and he reads the Torah often during the week. Although he said his connection with God is ever developing, he credits God with being his life-guide. He said he believes he will be able to serve as a motivating and faithful leader to the congregation at the HERJC.

“So far, I’ve been enjoying working with a great team of volunteers and professionals and getting to speak to people of all ages and varieties is satisfying and encouraging,” he said. “Everybody has their own life story, their own connection to God and their own vision as ever evolving human beings.”