
Rezoning in East Rockaway: Meeting 2

Residents come to speak out about proposed industrial district plan


A second public meeting was held on May 12 regarding the village’s proposal to rezone the industrial area in East Rockaway (see box for more details) — this time in a larger venue, the East Rockaway High School auditorium, to accomodate residents who wanted to voice their concerns — or their support.

The first meeting, held on April 23 at Rocco’s Catering Hall, was filled to capacity and the village had to turn away residents who waited on the block-long line. The first meeting, as the second, lasted three hours.

Many of the residents came clutching a bright orange flier that was left — some illegally — in residents’ mailboxes. The flier asked that concerned residents attend the meeting and made suggestions as to what to ask Mayor Ed SIeban and the board.

“What about traffic?” “What’s wrong with just permitting the constuction of nice two-story garden apartments?” “Why does our vlllage board want to consruct something that belongs on Queens Blvd., not Ocean Ave. in East Rockaway/”

Most of the residents who came to the microphone to speak were worrried about traffic, low-income housing, and that the suburban feel of East Rockaway may be forever changed.

“The current industrial zone brings in far less tax revenue than other zones [in the village],” said Trustee Irene Villacci. “There will be potential for mixed uses of residence and commercial that would add to the accessed valuation of our village, while eliminating the potential for unwanted commerce thae could negatively impact our village.” Villacci said that the village wants to encourage its young people to do what she and so many of her classmates have done— “To settle here and call East Rockaway our home.”

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