Students pen letters to future students amid pandemic


As the pandemic continues, third grade students at Marion Street Elementary School wrote
letters to students 75 years in the future, to describe their experiences.

The assignment required students in Elizabeth Parco’s class to provide a brief explanation about Covid-19 and then they shared what they are personally experiencing or feeling during the pandemic.

For many third graders, they said the challenges they have endured during the pandemic is not being able to see their friends and having sports cancelled.

“You have to practice social distancing … I used to go to baseball practice and soccer practice but now I can’t,” John Esposito wrote in his letter. “... That means you have to stay six feet away from people because the virus is very contagious.”

Other students penned their feelings about not attending school in-person and how the closures affected them.

“A lot of restaurants, movie theatres, shopping centers and schools [are] closed to keep people from getting sick,” Taylor Gonzalez wrote. “This makes me really sad because I cannot go to school. I miss my teachers and friends.”