Town of Hempstead crews prepare for storm

Warming centers open Thursday, Friday


Town of Hempstead officials say they began preparing early for a snowstorm that the National Weather Service predicts will hit the area tonight and tomorrow.

Supervisor Kate Murray said plowing and salting crews are readying equipment to battle the storm on Thursday and Friday. Because of Friday’s single-digit temperature projections, she added, 14 warming centers will be open over the next two days throughout the town.

“Our town is continuing its proactive practice of having salt spreaders and plows poised for action at the first sign of snowfall,” she said in a news release. “What’s more, we are opening more than a dozen warming centers to help those seeking a warm place during the projected ‘cold snap’ at the end of the week.”

The town’s highway department began fueling vehicles, inspecting plows, preparing to load spreader trucks with salt and reviewing storm updates earlier this week, officials said. Other town departments are also preparing equipment for what officials expect could be a potentially serious storm.

With the prospect of significant snowfall, possible “white-out” conditions and frigid temperatures, Murray urged people to make their own preparations as well. She recommended that residents shop for food and prescription medications before the first snowfall. Murray also encouraged people to limit travel once the storm begins, and she asked homeowners to remove cars from roads so that town snow removal crews can efficiently salt and plow streets.

“Our crews are making final preparations for the upcoming storm, and neighbors should also prepare by doing their shopping and fueling vehicles before the snowfall starts,” Murray said. “We’re ready to clear the streets as the snow starts to fall.”

Another precaution Murray said town residents should take is to limit their exposure to the elements as temperatures plummet. She advised residents to take refuge in the 14 warming centers if they need a heated place to go.

The following locations will be open as warming centers from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. on Thursday and Friday (unless otherwise noted):

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