Lawrence Lately

A good beginning to a new school year at Lawrence


Hey everyone my name is Kaynat Khalid. I live in Lawrence and am a senior at Lawrence High School. As of now I am determined to pursue a career in medicine and somehow incorporate English as a minor during my undergraduate work. I have made my plans but let’s see how it goes in the near or far future. Currently I am an assistant editor of my school newspaper, editor in chief of the school yearbook, and one of the vice presidents of DECA; a business club here at Lawrence.

Now that I have introduced myself I think it is time to see what has been going in Lawrence High School. The first day of school is always the most exciting and especially for the seniors and freshmen, the seniors because it is their last first day in high school and for the freshmen because it is their first-first day of high school. After the first day of school the school clubs started and September flew by and here we are in October.

Lawrence students have had to put up with a lot of changes this year and some of them may be accounted as good but some not so good. The atmosphere of the high school seems a bit different this year. As students walk in to the school in the morning our new principal Dr. Jennifer Lagnado is always standing there with a big smile to say “Good Morning.” I do not really know about other students but seeing our principal standing near the entrance greeting us, gives a feeling of care and centralization. Also this year our new superintendent is probably the biggest change. Mr. Gary Schall can be spotted along the hallways of Lawrence High School quite often and after school he takes a moment to interact with many students; he asks their names, tries to get to know them and takes an interest what the students are doing. This type of interaction motivates students and lets us know that someone in our district actually might just care.

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