Hewlett Happenings

A year later, students stand strong


It is almost a full year since Hewlett High School and the rest of the world was shut down because of the coronavirus.

Despite the heartache that encompasses this month, the Hewlett High community has been doing its ultimate best to remain united.

Our new tradition of Walk-Along Wednesday has sustained itself as a major hit. With new themes each week ranging from ’90s Throwbacks, Black History Month, Songs About Love and TikTok, the halls of the high school have brightened.

It was evident that music accompanying our students to their classes one day a week was not sufficient. Student Council Executive Board President Ian Isseks, class of 2021, hopes to no longer have music as an exclusive Wednesday activity; Isseks’ goal is to have playlists playing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

As World Language Week extends from April 5 to April 11, music is being played each day this week! Our halls will be concentrated by all different languages, truly demonstrating the diversity that is Hewlett High School.

In the past month, it has been made clear that the appreciation of our seniors will never dwindle. Recently, there have been two events to celebrate our seniors, and there is more to come.

On Feb. 24, the Senior Mom Committee held a cupcake and senior T-shirt give away. As seniors drove passed the front of the high school, they were met with a bag that contained a water bottle, cupcake and T-shirt that read Seniors in the font of the television show “Friends.”

On March 4, the Parent-Teacher Association held an ice skating event at Grant Park to raise money for the senior class. The two hour event was limited to 50 seniors and all attendees had to wear masks. Both events were extremely fun for students.

March will be a hard month to face for many. With the guidance and love given to Hewlett High School students by our community, however, we are bound to get through it with great strength and success.