AMIT Day of Learning on Aug. 7


Raizi Chechik, head of Manhattan Day School, will be the keynote speaker at AMIT’s annual Yom Iyun, a day of learning for women, at the Sephardic Temple, 775 Branch Blvd. in Cedarhurst, on Wednesday, Aug. 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

Chechik has a master’s degree in Jewish history, has completed doctoral work in both education and Jewish studies, and has received several professional and academic awards, among them the national Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. 

“The annual Yom Iyun is truly a ‘happening,’” Mimi Mehlman, the event chairwoman for the past 20 years, stated in a news release. “Our Yom Iyun has motivated hundreds of women to come together to learn, as a chabura (a group learning Jewish texts), many valued and insightful lessons from our Torah and beyond.” 

Chechik, who will discuss the story of the woman who printed the Vilna Talmud, has the experience and insight that meshes well with the mission of AMIT to provide a cutting-edge Jewish values-based education to Israeli children throughout Israel, 70 percent of whom live in the periphery and come from disadvantaged homes, AMIT officials said.

For more information and to make reservations, contact Robbie Fried at, or call 212-477-5691.