Hewlett Happenings

Creating that Homecoming spirit


With students fresh off of summer vacation, Hewlett High School’s annual Spirit Week has made an early appearance to the delight of the student body.

Spirit Week is celebrated in Hewlett High the week of Homecoming. Homecoming takes place this Saturday when the Hewlett Bulldogs play the Valley Stream South Falcons. Spirit Week began on Monday and ended Friday with a massive Pep Rally. The Pep Rally consists of students gathering together in the gymnasium to cheer and motivate the Bulldogs the day before their big game.

Throughout this exhilarating week, students were encouraged to participate in various themed activities for each day of the week. These events range from Pajama Day to Blackout Day, where all grades, except for seniors, dress in all black. Seniors dress extravagantly in bright, eye-catching colors to stand out from the rest of the student body.

Spirit Week is in full swing. The excitement is palpable as the halls are bursting with energy. Students are having fun and enjoying this special week.

“You could really feel the excitement all over the school,” said junior Ariel Eisenberg. “People seem to really be going all out this year in terms of dressing and taking each day’s clothing attire to the max.”

Unknown to many is what occurs behind the scenes of Homecoming. Students and staff are working tremendously hard to make sure all goes smoothly for the big day on Saturday.

Overlooked at times is the work and effort put in by the high school band. The band contributes greatly to the success of Homecoming. “The band is working vigorously to prepare for Homecoming,” said Hewlett High School band director Anthony Santanastaso.

The band is rehearsing for the event and members attended a nearly four and a half hour Band Camp this past Sunday for extra practice. Prior to the start of Saturday’s game, the band performs in the Homecoming parade, and then plays in the bleachers during the course of the game.

Bulldogs players are also practicing and look to redeem themselves after last season’s Homecoming game loss. “We are very eager to play for redemption from last year,” said junior football player Stefan Antoine.

The Bulldogs lost to the Red Devils of Plainedge High School last year. That loss serves as extra motivation for this year’s players to win this game. “We’ve been working hard since last spring for this game and we can’t wait to get the win for our town,” said junior football player Jay Patel.

It is that attitude and dedication by both the band and football players, along with all the students, who displayed their spirit this week, that will make Homecoming a fun time for all.

Go Bulldogs!