Lawrence Lately

Discovering a place close to home


The constant sound of planes taking off from John F. Kennedy Airport and the view of the Empire State Building from the third floor of Lawrence High School on clear days makes it hard to forget how close the Five Towns are to New York City.
When you live right outside a major hub of the United States, you can sometimes take that for granted. The 2016 senior class trip is aimed at reminding students just how lucky we are to be so close to the city that never sleeps. The trip is set for a Friday in February. The exact date will be announced once everybody has signed up.
The trip will begin with a tour of midtown Manhattan, but this tour won’t be taken on just any tour bus. The tour will be conducted by The Ride NYC, a tour company that focuses on a completely interactive and immersive experience. The whole ride is a show, with the company’s own performers providing several street performances along the way.
It stops at classic landmarks like Columbus Circle, Carnegie Hall, Central Park, and Grand Central Terminal. The bus itself is a state of the art double-decker vehicle, equipped with several televisions, speakers, and large windows to make sure that no one misses out on the action. The experience is lead by comedic hosts, set on making sure everyone learns more about the Big Apple and has a memorable time doing it.
After the ride, students will visit 42nd street to see Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. The museum is often regarded as place that everyone should visit at least once if they’re in the city. Its impressive display of incredibly realistic wax figures range from new stars like Sam Smith and Jenna Marbles to classics like Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe. There’s a plethora of funny and creative photo opportunities for museum visitors.
The day will end with an early dinner in midtown, a perfect way to wrap up an exciting day. While the trip is certainly different, many students and parents welcome the change. The trip’s cost is $50 to $75, depending on how many students sign up. This price tag is significantly lower than years past. Many students used to skip out on the trip due to the cost, but this may no longer be as much of an issue this year. The single-day trip also allows for the many students who have weekend jobs or other weekend obligations to still enjoy a trip with their fellow peers.
This new trip is example that change isn’t always a bad thing, and that sometimes incredible experiences are right under your nose. Even as someone who spends a lot of time in the city, there are several places that I haven’t visited but will now get the chance to, and it will be so much more special with my classmates by my side.