Helping to provide food and clothing

Community Service Committee aids those in need


This past Rosh Hashanah, Phyllis Gilbert-Nadler handed out shopping bags on behalf of the Community Service Committee to members of the Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre with a shopping list stapled to the front of it.

Synagogue members were asked to take the bags home and fill them with food, bring them back and put them in the large containers at the entrance of the synagogue. Gilbert-Nadler was hoping to collect more traditional food to donate to those in need for the Jewish holiday.

“The shopping bags caught everyone’s attention,” said Gilbert-Nadler, a member of the Jewish Centre and an East Rockaway resident. “It brought in more food than we normally get.”

The Community Service Committee began 15 years ago when Gilbert-Nadler retired and wanted to do something to help the community. “I thought about what people needed,” she said. “People need clothing, shelter and food. I couldn’t provide shelter so I provide clothing and food.”

Along with Gilbert-Nadler is James Reynolds, head of maintenance at the Jewish Centre, who has the food and supplies packed for her when she arrives. He also assists Gilbert-Nadler with loading her car, making sure she is accompanied on the trip to the food pantry and provides containers for donations at the Jewish Centre.

“The most rewarding thing is to watch Phyllis and see how much she gives of herself,” Reynolds said. “It makes you want to be a better person and go out of your way to help someone less fortunate than yourself.”

Once the food is donated, it is packed in Gilbert-Nadler’s vehicle so she can deliver it to the Food Pantry in Far Rockaway. By the time she arrives to the Food Pantry, people are lined up waiting to receive the provisions.

“When I get there and people are standing outside to get food it makes me feel very sad that people have to do this but the end result is good because where there’s need, it is being fulfilled,” Gilbert-Nadler said.

Her greatest experience since beginning the Community Service Committee is when a company called her up and told her they had hundreds of bagels and cream cheese to donate.

She went to pick them up and after Reynolds loaded her car, she couldn’t see out her back window because there were so many bagels. Reynolds also had bagels on the floor in front of him and on his lap.

“It was great to think about how many people were going to eat because of this donation,” Gilbert-Nadler said about the experience. “I’m always so fulfilled by doing this because I know how meaningful it is not hungry before you go to bed.”

In today’s economy Gilbert-Nadler said the need is greater than people realize. Since many people are out of work and need nice clothing for job interviews, she encourages synagogue members to continue to donate these needed items.

Volunteers are always welcome and are especially needed during heavy clothing drives when the committee collects suits, coats, scarves, gloves and winter clothing for women, men and children.

“I would hope that this committee always continues,” Gilbert-Nadler said. “But I hope that fewer people are in need so the demand diminishes but the giving continues.”