Hewlett High School competes in the Euro Challenge


Hewlett High School’s 2015 Euro Challenge team was one of 25 that advanced to the semifinals of the national competition that included students from throughout New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas and California.
Jana Bickoff, Aimee Ding, Dana Feldman, Lenny Khazan and Nate Roblin, under the guidance of teacher Dr. Patricia Nardi put together a 15-muniue presentation on the current economic situation in the Euro Area, which included focusing one country — Spain — and its unemployment issue and researching potential solutions.
At the March 25 competition, which was held at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City, the students presented their recommended policy changes to economists and members of the European Commission, who asked questions to test the team’s knowledge. Awards were presented the Moody’s Foundation in Manhattan. The semifinals took place on April 30. The Hewlett team did not advance.