Unreserved Judgment

Labor Day everyday


Last Monday, depending on one’s inclination, our nation either “observed” Labor Day with parades, speeches and homage to workers and unions, or “celebrated” it with parades, sales and barbecues (or perhaps did both).

Either way, despite the holiday’s official function to specifically recognize the “working man (and woman)” Labor Day has the potential to observe and celebrate even more: and that is the labor and effort that goes into, not just our jobs and occupations and professions, but the labor and toil that’s poured into just living life.
Perhaps on Labor Day we should not only extoll the good work that’s performed in factory, office, farm and labor-atory, but also appreciate and highlight the often hard work that goes into being a good friend, relative, citizen or member of a community or institution. How many folks work harder at their “volunteer work” for school, hospital, church and synagogue or club than they ever would for a paying client of customer?

And what of the effort that’s involved in raising a family and providing the kids with life “necessities” like lap tops, cell phones, summer camp and sushi, not to mention just having the little blessings (noting that it’s not called “going into labor” for nothing).

Sometimes it’s work just getting up and facing the day (and some people) with a smile, or heading to attending a party and “working” the crowd. For so many, getting an education is laborious — what with its school-work and home-work. Fore others, maintaining a home means dealing with house-work while maintaining a relationship often involves “working out things.”

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