Lawrence School District adopts budget

No tax increase and program additions are included


Five weeks after unveiling its draft budget the Lawrence School District adopted its proposed budget at the Board of Education meeting on March 22. There is no tax increase and despite an expected loss of state and federal aid, it includes additions to educational programs.

At $93,150,155, the anticipated budget for the 2011-12 school year is $1 million less — or a 1 percent decrease — than the current operating budget.

Based on district projections, Lawrence is expected to have a $2.7 million drop in overall aid. That figure could change as a tentative state budget agreement was reached on March 27.

The budget amount and in the loss in overall aid was revised from the draft budget, when the fiscal plan was first proposed as $92,980,154 and aid loss was estimated at $2.2 million.

Though the district made cuts to staff there was a slight increase in its pay out of benefits, officials said. The jump in aid loss is attributable to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed cut to special education funding that would cost Lawrence approximately $400,000, while another $100,000 loss is expected in federal and state grants.

“I stand behind this budget very strongly,” said Deputy Superintendent Gary Schall, who noted that further restructuring of the district’s special education program could include reassignment of staff and the loss of three positions through attrition.

In addition to a tax levy of $78,937,250 and expected state aid of $6,475,023, the district expects to finance the budget with projected various revenues of $3,160,017, an estimated surplus of $1.5 million, applying a tax reserve of $2,127,795 and other reserves pegged at $950,000.

“We are pleased with the budget as the budget maintains and enhances all the programs in the district and it is a fiscally responsible budget,” said BOE President Murray Forman.

A huge component of the Lawrence’s budget process was the laying off of 66 employees that began last year, along with a restructuring of the district. This created $2.2 million in savings, according to district officials.

The money will help pay for 15 Advanced Placement classes, a newly established debate class, an art elective, a new high school store, textbooks and improved


“When the public takes the time to evaluate the literature that the district will distribute and see the benefits, I think they will pass it,” Board Vice President Dr. Asher Mansdorf said.

Also under the restructuring positions that existed such as Schall’s post as music director has been split between two teachers that will serve as district music coordinators. Those coordinators will oversee the musical curriculum and activities such as the Disney trip.

At the board meeting, Schall noted that after he becomes superintendent on July 1 he will officially appoint Number Four School Principal Dr. Ann Pedersen assistant superintendent for Academic Affairs, current district Athletic Director Pat Pizzarelli assistant superintendent for Student & Community Affairs and present Director of Facilities Chris Milano, to executive director of Facilities at the July 6 BOE meeting.

Though some in the district could criticize the doubling up on responsibilities, Schall thinks that a better use of manpower and resources is needed for school districts to operate more efficiently and prudently in today’s world.

“To maintain the status quo and organizational structure that had been in place for more than 40 years is clearly an injustice to our students,” he said. “We have to look at how we run our operation, we have to streamline our operation for better use of manpower and cost effectiveness.”

The district will hold a Board of Education meeting and budget hearing on May 3 at Lawrence Middle School at 8 p.m. Two weeks before the budget vote.