Looking back and forward on life’s doors


It seems like I only began freshman year a few months ago, but now this incredible experience is over. Like all good things in life, my time in high school came to an end on June 14, as I graduated from Davis Renov Stahler (DRS) Boys High School in Woodmere, ending the four best years of my life thus far. It’s seems surreal that it’s all over, as the next chapter of life awaits. I’m undoubtedly excited for what’s to come, but sad to leave so many memories behind.

Throughout my four years in high school, I’ve had incredible opportunities to discover my passions and pursue my dreams. I was able to compete on DRS’s Science Olympiad, Math and College Bowl teams, and even take on leadership roles as team captain in my senior year. I’ve always had a love for journalism and storytelling, and had incredible opportunities to pursue this interest throughout the past four years by founding DRS’s award-winning student newspaper, The Star, writing for the Herald and even doing a few stories for USA Today.

I also was afforded opportunities to give back to my community through my involvement in Five Towns Community Chest and the Woodmere Fire Department. These experiences undoubtedly shaped me to this very day and will definitely be sorely missed, as I leave high school and head off to college.

But above all, the friendships and good times shared with peers are what I will miss the most. We all go through rough bumps in the road, but friends are the force that keeps you afloat in the darkest of times. My teachers and administrators at DRS have been nothing short of phenomenal, and have prepared me for college and beyond. While there were some moments in which I couldn’t’ wait to have been done with high school, now that this chapter is over, I wish I could go back in time and relive the countless good memories I have forged over these four years.

Far beyond the classroom, high school has taught me one of the most important lessons I will ever learn: when one door closes, another opens. Life is filled with ups and downs, and high school is no exception. Each and every one of us faces disappointments and setbacks at various times, and it feels like the doors to success have been slammed in our faces.

But we’re never alone, as we keep pushing on every day, until one day, an unimaginable opportunity — one far better than we ever envisioned — comes along, and life moves on in a positive direction. More often than we realize, an occurrence that seems initially disappointing is the best thing that could have happened to us. As I move on to enter the next door of my life, I will keep this message in mind, while reminiscing all of the good memories of the door that has just closed.

Carroll will study at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh in Israel this fall and then attend Yeshiva University’s Honors program.