Looking forward to ‘our year’ — 2017


It is finally here: 2017. The new year marks an end to the seemingly perpetual, heavily critiqued 2016. The new year also marks an end to the holiday season (and holiday break), and a time of making new resolutions and wishes for the year ahead. For many, 2017 is simply another year. But for the members of the senior class, 2017 is not simply another year, but is the year.

For many years we seniors have discussed the year 2017 and have worn shirts and made banners with the Class of 2017 written proudly across. Although heavily discussed, the year seemed so distant, so far away. When the clock struck midnight and it became January 1, however, the once-far off year was right before our eyes. 

Although we are already four months into senior year, the realization that this is our last year in together in the Hewlett-Woodmere School District is now distinctly apparent. For years we have celebrated graduations and new schools together, but this time it is different. 

In 2006 at our Franklin Early Childhood Center graduation from first grade, we eagerly flipped around our navy hats to show off our next steps: either Hewlett Elementary or Ogden Elementary

Four years later at our elementary school graduations in 2010, we excitedly conversed about entering middle school: a place where we could finally have our own lockers, have our own schedules and switch classes throughout the day. Then in 2013, we were ready to make the big jump from the halls of Woodmere Middle School to the even bigger halls of Hewlett High School. 

And now, in 2017, we are approaching our next graduation celebration. Again, we will excitedly discuss our future plans but this time, they will not be the same. We will not all be moving up to the next, bigger school in the district. We will be scattered across the country, or even world, continuing education goals and pursuing career dreams. 

So, 2017 is not simply “another year” for the members of the senior class. It is a year that will be marked with many long-awaited events: high school graduation, senior prom and the beginning of our post-high school education and careers. As the class of 2017, we will celebrate our last few months in Hewlett High and look forward to our diverse and exciting future plans.