The meaning of love

Bristal couple celebrates 70 wedded years


As 94-year-old Louise and 93-year-old John Rienzo made their way down the hall at the North Woodmere Bristal on Jan. 26, family, friends and over 75 Bristal residents anxiously anticipated their 70th wedding anniversary celebration.

Photos of the couple, including their wedding photo, were blown up to poster size, sat at the front of the room, along with white chairs to accommodate guests, a head table for the bride and groom and champagne awaited Louise and John in the Bristal’s Café.

The couple was married on Jan. 26, 1941 at the Queens Terrace. Louise and John grew up a block away from each other in Brooklyn and they first met when they were 6.

Deacon Tom Costello from St. Joseph’s in Hewlett visits the North Woodmere Bristal every Tuesday to conduct services for Catholic residents and was present to renew the couple’s wedding vows. Costello started the ceremony with, “I got an email from the Pope this morning and because of the storm, he won’t be able to be here.”

After the ceremony, the couple’s daughter, Rosemarie Ingoglia of Avon, Ohio, stood and made a toast to her parents. “You both are the most caring, loving parents that anyone could have asked for,” she said. “And you showed us the meaning of love.”

Louise and John’s other daughter Joan Fusco of Malverne was present and said she was thrilled to be there to see her parents celebrate 70 years together. “In this day and age, because of the divorce rate I asked the Bristal to do something for their wedding anniversary because I thought it was a great story that they’ve been married 70 years,” Joan said.

Rosemarie said it was unbelievable to celebrate her parents’ anniversary and after they celebrated their 50th anniversary, she never thought she would see 70.

Brian Scheur, the executive director at the North Woodmere Bristal, said of his 25 years in health care administration, this was by far an amazing thing to witness. “John and Louise are the most independent people we have here at the Bristal,” he said. “The participate in all the social activities and it’s amazing to hear their stories.”

While John was enjoying some champagne after the ceremony, he was asked what the secret to a long, happy marriage is. “My father told me never go to bed angry,” he said, “and to get up in the morning and forget about an old argument.”