Walking to support the lone soldiers

Personalized items sent by Five Towners lift spirits of soldiers serving in Israel


A Package from Home, an Israeli based nonprofit organization which specializes in providing packages to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) lone soldiers in need, held it’s third annual walk-a-thon at the Sunny Atlantic Beach Club in Atlantic Beach on July 27.
Participants paid a $60 to support the soldiers and received a neon-yellow T-shirt. A raffle to win an Apple watch was held to raise more money, and a drop box was placed by the registration table to collect toiletries, medical bandages, and socks.
At 10 a.m. walkers of all ages socialized as they trekked the span of the Atlantic Beach boardwalk. Following the walk an hour later, a brunch and program was presented, where guest speakers Shira Gilor, the project manager of A Package from Home, and American IDF soldier Sgt. Tzvi Wiesel, an expert in urban warfare and counter-terrorism spoke about the organization and its impact.
Helen Fuchs, the principal organizer of the walk-a-thon, first learned about to A Package from Home during visit to Israel. She began collecting items for the organization and was able to see the difference the packages made to the soldiers firsthand. Wanting to continue to help stateside, she launched the walk-a-thon; an idea suggested by Toby Schwartz, a friend of Fuchs who also wanted to get involved
“When these soldiers are off duty, they are in a foreign country and have no family to go to,” Schwartz said. “We are trying to be that for them and give them the support they need.” She is now a co-chairwoman of the event along with Anne Slochowsky.
Gilor said that the packages are sent to soldiers at least once a month and before every major holiday, and that the contents are personalized. “We know exactly to whom the packages are going to and what they need,” she said. “For example, we sent head lamps to units working in tunnels and warm clothes to those in the north.”

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