Woodward unveils its new sports complex


The Woodward Children’s Center, in Freeport, renowned for its dedication to exceptional special education, inaugurated its new Outdoor Sports Complex on Aug. 4.

It was the culmination of a multi-year effort to create an environment aligned with the vision of the school’s executive board of directors for the betterment of Woodward’s students.

The purpose of this ambitious project was to bolster physical education and offer students a dynamic outdoor facility.

“A lot of behavior is tied into physical movement, which actually is very good for behavior stabilization,” Gregory Ingino, the center’s executive director, said. “So it’s all about making use of the new complex and staying healthy.”

The development of the complex was a years-long journey, and included a rigorous process of obtaining permits and ensuring that every detail was meticulously planned. Now Woodward students have access to a full-size basketball court, pickleball courts, shuffleboard and a track. And the facility won’t be limited to students; Woodward staff can also utilize it during morning hours and after school.

One of the primary motivations behind the initiative was to maximize the connection between physical activity and positive behavior. Research has shown that activity can significantly contribute to behavior stabilization, which will make the complex an invaluable addition to the Woodward Center.

The school envisions a wide range of uses for the facility during the academic year. Beyond physical education classes, it will host outdoor lunches and health programs, ensuring that students can benefit from it throughout the day. It will also serve as a venue for school events and ceremonies, including graduations, alleviating the challenge of crowding large gatherings into the school’s cramped gym.

“In addition to regular activities, we’ll also host graduations and various ceremonies — as we did for the sports complex opening,” Ingino said. “The decision to hold these events outdoors was driven by our urgent need for more space. We’re busting at the seams — we need more space.”

The speakers at the opening ceremony included state senators, representatives of the mayor’s office and members of the Chamber of Congress. They lauded the Woodward Center for its commitment to enhancing its facilities, both for its students and the community at large.

Chamber President Ben Jackson conveyed his appreciation for the services Woodward offers the community, emphasizing the profound impact of the school on Freeport residents.

“Woodward provides critical services to our community — my community,” Jackson said. “I love this community and what this school does for everybody. I would like to thank the school for the commitments and work that you do to help support these students.”

Michael Reid, a member of the school’s board of directors for over a decade, spoke about its forward-thinking initiatives. “We continue to move this school forward every day, every year,” Reid said. “I am so proud to see how we can work with our staff to make this outdoor complex happen. They say it takes teamwork to make the dream work, and that’s what this school does. We’re so proud of what the students, faculty and staff do every day. We hope the students enjoy the complex for many years to come.”

Reid expressed his satisfaction with the completed complex, and highlighted how this previously underutilized space had been transformed, providing students with a safe and clean environment for outdoor activities to channel their extra energy. He emphasized that education encompasses much more than academics.

“The final product is absolutely gorgeous,” Reid said. “I mean, we took a space that was really being under-utilized and we have now incorporated that space. Being able to give the kids a safe and clean environment to come outside and maybe get some of that extra energy out, you know, it really helps them, because every school is not just about the academics, it’s also about treating the whole person and addressing all of their needs.”

After the ceremony, in the inaugural faculty-versus-students basketball game at the complex, Woodward students savored their first experience in the facility with a satisfying victory over the staff.

More information on Woodward can be found on its website, WoodwardChildren.org.