Sea Cliff Library throws a happening hoedown


The Friends of the Sea Cliff Library hosted a hoedown-inspired fundraiser at Still Partners on March 27, featuring music by The Rectangle. Guests were encouraged to kick up their cowboy boots, boast 10-gallon hats and sport festive bandanas to emulate the rootin’-tootin’ times of the Wild West.
Admission for the event came with a raffle ticket free of charge. Attendees bid on a variety of prizes from local vendors, including: a soap and CBD gift basket from Sea Cliff Sundries; a four-person boating voucher from Shore Thing Rentals; an adult art workshop led by Kristie Leigh of Crafted; a gift card to Maldon & Mignonette; and a slot to sing or play with Still Partner’s owner Dan Roth’s band at the venue.

-- Alyssa Seidman