Council candidates take on the issues


During this election season, which will culminate in the Nov. 3 vote, the Herald has asked the Long Beach City Council candidates for their view on topics of concern to residents. This is the third in a series of questions we have posed to the six candidates who are vying for three seats on the council.
Comments about this Q&A? or (516) 569-4000 ext. 213.

If elected, how would you distinguish yourself as a City Council trustee? 

The following three Democrats are running on the Democratic line

Fran Adelson

As a two-time elected Long Beach Library Board trustee, I bring knowledge about budgets, fiscal responsibility and public needs to our city. I’ve worked unilaterally with a five-member board and director for the past 8 years. This includes opening a new West End Branch, at no cost to the taxpayer. 

Working as a full-time real estate broker in Long Beach for the past 21 years has given me an insight and a good sense of our community. I promote Long Beach every day and am a liaison between my clients, customers and the city. 

As a council member, I would work diligently and responsibly for our citizens. I would respect my fellow council members beyond party lines, ensuring the best outcome for our city. I would not block-vote the agenda as I believe each item should be voted on independently, with comments from council members. 

In my belief in transparency and bringing our government to the people, inviting citizen involvement, I would ask that all council meetings be podcast on the city’s Web site. I would continue to bring commitment and service, as I have done with my work on the Library Board and as a local Realtor.

Mike Fagen 

I bring to this city 25 years of real management experience. How does a city with such natural assets as the beach, boardwalk, skating rink as well as its people have no plan to monezite these great assets? 

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